Dale Caldwell – Takes Helm of Centenary University

His hand on my shoulder, Dale stated enthusiastically, “We can change the world from here.” Every once in a rare while the exact right leader finds a perfect fit with the exact right team. And I was fortunate to witness this on October 21st when the idealistic, energetically inventive Dr. Dale Caldwell donned the President’s robes and was invested with the leadership of the refreshingly progressive faculty and students of the 156-year-old Centenary University based in Hackettstown, New Jersey.

Currently, Dale serves as founding head of the Dale Caldwell Foundation, and the Entrepreneur Zones movement which battles poverty in distressed communities by developing new businesses. Previously, Dale served as head of Farleigh Dickinson University’s Rothman Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, working to promote family businesses and the Prometheus Social Enterprise Awards. For President Caldwell, Centenary offers an ideal platform. An impressive number of the 1,200 undergraduate students take active part in ENACTUS, an national organization that guides collegiates into entrepreneurial enterprises as a catalyst for progress. Prior to the inaugural ceremony, Dale and several undergraduates celebrated his donating supplies to a local food pantry and books to a nearby correctional facility.

In his address, Dr. Caldwell noted that “Within our institutions of higher education we possess ample and necessary brainpower and energy to solve all the problems facing our society.” It seems only fitting that the Centenary mascot is the cyclone. Keep your eyes on this whirlwind center of innovative learning… where “changing the world” becomes a practical mission.

Snippet from my new book: Fellow Travelers

Gathering All the Animals
Compared to Noah, I couldn’t find a lion in my living room. Quiet, settled, subtly humored, Noah knew exactly which stream banks lay slathered thick with alligators, on which kjopes lions stoically scouted for prey, and precisely how close to wildebeest herds he could set us walking without probably getting trampled. Lorraine, I, and long-time fellow trekker Richard Craig had just come down from traversing Mount Kilimanjaro, and a friend had linked us with Noah as the “most intriguing” driver/guide for a few weeks camping safari in Tanzania’s Serengeti…

From the moment we tossed ourselves and gear into Noah’s “Jarringly Jouncing Jeep,” the three of us realized we had a perfect fit. Noah was the first man we’d met in all Tanzania with camping equipment as worn and aged as our own. Pointing “JJJ” roughly toward Mount Mehru, our guide began expanding our Swahili expletive vocabulary as he fist-swatted the swarming tsetse flies against the dashboard. (Tsetse bites make our American greenhead’s worst efforts feel like a gentle kiss.)

It soon became apparent. We had own definite ideas about this photo safari, and Noah had the right ones. “Yes, of course,” he had wryly noted, “you don’t need a cook, but then the baboons will destroy everything.” Thus we had hired on Grayson to make scrumptious meals and fend voracious intruders by day while the four of us drove across the dust-choking plains in search of game…..

As we huddled close to our charcoal fire, gazing uneasily at the predatory eyes crouching seemingly a few leaps away in the inky dark, Noah gleefully spun “true” tales of hyena and big cat attacks. He and Richard also swapped military stories of serving in Vietnam – ironically on opposite sides. (Apparently, some contorted Russia/Tanaznia treaty had placed a bewildered young Noah training in North Vietnam camps.) Not surprisingly, both men shared a chest of anecdotes concerning military inefficiency – SNAFU….

Did Noah live up to his biblical name in showing us all the animals? Was it really his fault that we were sprinting down this trail toward the jeep with an ardently perturbed cape buffalo right behind us? More about this fellow traveler will be revealed in further pages.

Writing – BartsBooks

The Post-Covid Career Opportunity Boom

Host Bart Jackson lays out practical methods for re-sculpting yourself into a multi-talented, renaissance businessperson – so you may best seize the opportunities in this wide-open post-covid market.
Welcome to the wild west of post-plague hiring. The single-skilled job slot – tight workplace structures – even the old employee/contractor/consultant distinctions have been swept away. Victims of Covid. In their place, established firms now clawing their way back to profitable operations are looking for performance wizards. Those multi-skilled businesspeople who can reach across department lines and do what it takes to get the product made, marketed, and sold. Host Bart Jackson lays out practical methods for shifting your presentation from skill sets to results architect. He also lays out plans for you to profitably partner your talents with the flood of over 5 million businesses launched in 2022. Tune in and learn how to re-sculpt yourself into a renaissance businessperson and best seize the opportunities in this wide-open post-covid market.
https://thearBart Jackson on the radiotoftheceo.com/

In This Season of Hope

In This Season of Hope
When we celebrate the triumphs of Compassion,
We thank you, our friends, who have helped make this
a Joyful Year for us.
May every blessing & prosperity accompany you
Now and into the New Year,

Merry Christmas & Happy Holiday

– Bart Jackson
And the BartsBooks Team

The Thanksgiving List

The problem is that my Thanksgiving Thankful List is like my elevator pitch – unless the elevator is running from Boston to Baltimore, I never have enough time. SO… instead of boring all my relatives at the feast table with my blessings, while they are salivating for turkey, I thought I’d share a few of the angels who continue to brighten my days.
– Most recently, when that hefty tree fell across the road blocking our path home yesterday, I thank the who helped me sweat & wrestle it off to the side…couldn’t have done it without you, pal.
– When the media tries to terrify me with tales of shootings, I think of John whose personal crusade and clever dedication have lowered gun violence in Yonkers by 86 % – and still counting down. (John gave up his scholarship to Julliard to work for the Salvation Army and YMCA.)
– Kudos to Katie in HaitiK – the medical doctor who has founded a clinic in Haiti’s rural northwest that provides healing, food and hope to the poorest of the poor.

Oh, and thanks to Lorraine who brought awareness of Katie’s work, by hosting a multi-church fundraiser for the cause.
– When newspapers gleefully portray the gore of battle, I catch the news from Mel who founded the NonViolent Peacekeepers and learn of the latest war-torn regions into which he’s sent unarmed peace keepers to halt the rape and slaughter of civilians.
– And special hats off to Orondaam for our lunch at Social Enterprise Summit, where he explained how, from his Nigerian homeland, his Slum2School enterprise has built schools, funded teachers, and awarded scholarships, giving education to tens of thousands of young people trapped in Africa’s poverty stricken regions.
– Then, of course, I thank the frenziedly active Dale, whose Entrepreneur Zones venture is helping distressed communities across the nation bootstrap their way out of hopelessness. (He’s even honored me with the ability to pitch in and help.)
I’m just getting wound up, but this elevator is not running to Baltimore. So allow me one more note of thanks to the bedraggled band of New England Pilgrims who in 1620, with half their members dead after the first year in the New World, found reason and energy to raise their hands to heaven and give thanks. And this year we all still follow that tradition. My we each find the embers of hope this thanksgiving and perhaps labor a bit to blow them into a warming flame.

Happy Thanksgiving, Bart Jackson

New Jersey Social Enterprise Summit – What an uplift!

Blend your highest hopes with hefty doses of entrepreneurial energy and you have the NJSE Summit held Sept. 30th at Rutgers Business School in Newark. Always on the lookout for new nominees for our Prometheus Social Enterprise Awards, I attended and was awed by such folks as Nigeria-based Orondaam Otto whose Slum2Schools provides the lifeline of education for thousands of African youngsters – and Pierre Laguere, whose Fleeting Pro helps released convicts become successful, contributing independent truckers – and Nina Rappaport whose Vertical Urban Factory thinktank infuses new life into distressed cities.

Dr. Jeffrey Robinson, Rutgers Business School Provost served as host and entertaining Emcee. Among his pleasurable duties was presenting the first annual NJSE Social Impact Award to Ms. Alfa Demmellash who 18 years ago founded Rising Tide Capital which provides training, mentors, partners and funding connections to entrepreneurs from underserved areas. Both for-profit and non-profit social enterprises are launching around the business community faster than smartphone apps. These firms that hold the mission of bringing benefit to our people and planet are swelling to a major force in our culture. Keep your eyes out for a rising tide of change.

To learn more and meet some of these world beaters, visit Bartsbooks.com or write me at info@barrtsbooks.com.



Last evening, a joyful yet solemn ceremony was held in the Prometheus Publishing offices celebrating the long and distinguished career of Cozy Red, Bart’s beloved office chair. For more years than we care to count, Cozy Red has provided uplifting service to Bart’s mind and other bodily parts, comfortably inspiring him through a dozen books, countless articles, and more foolish emails than anyone should ever send.
Champagne and Murphy’s oil were hoisted in the celebrant’s honor.

A long and arduous search to replace this valued veteran resulted in the selection of Big Boy Blue, formerly from Global’s elite Synopsis line. BBB (as he is nicknamed) says he is looking forward to the ever-expanding challenge of this new station.

Cozy Red, who will be taking an emeritus position in the Jackson Library, was heard to generously remark to his fellow furnishings, “The boy seems a little stiff, but I’m sure he’ll quickly get the feel of things and break in fast.”

Viewers may look for Cozy Red in a supporting role in future BartsBooks videos which share the wit and wisdom from such books as CEO of Yourself and In the Words of My Wife’s Husband.

Bart Jackson            www.bartsbooks.com