Dr. Dale Caldwell Keynote Speaker

” Too much of the world is focused on taking advantage of those who don’t have a voice…What does work is interness – We are all in this together…If we are to move forward, I challenge each of you to find someone with whom you disagree and talk with them – find out their their influences and I gaurantee you amazing things will happen.”

Keynote Speaker, Dr. Dale Caldwell, Executive Director of Fairleigh Dickinson University’s Rothman Institute of Innovation and Entrepreneurship.

Dale’s speech can be heard at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lq712bekviI&list=PLQg8BGb_hgjSyNqIHlOPvq8IKomxWPz2S&index=7

Torch Bearer Talks – Alfred Berkeley

“The U.N. has 17 sustainable goals based on compassion, and they are asking mankind to up its game. There used to be more than a trillion trees in our world that have been cut down. Can we replant a trillion trees? We have to have the highest goal – we may not make it but we’ve got to aim at it.”

Alfred Berkeley, Founder, United Nations Sustainable Goals Equity Fund

Al’s speech can be heard at https://youtu.be/wWTvunwk-XE

Torch Bearer Talks Sept. 19th 2019

Prometheus Social Entreprise Awardees’ Acceptance Speeches

“The first wealth is health, of the whole person…I don’t think of myself as a business entrepreneur, I just followed what came into my heart and found a way to give back..I felt my helping these girls who were victoms of human trafficking was my calling, and that is what led to my starting 321 Empower”

 Ramona Braganza, Founder of 321 Empower Charity

visit https://bartsbooks.com/prometheus-awards/  to hear her speech



Prometheus Awards “Prepare to be Uplifted”

Pictured below are award recipients, from the right, are Jacque Howard, Lisa Orloff, Alfred Berkeley, Sheldon Himelfarb, Ramona Braganza, Mel Duncan, and host Bart Jackson.

“Prepare to be uplifted…” said Bart Jackson, founder of the Prometheus Social Enterprise Awards at the September 19th Awards Ceremony at Fairleigh Dickinson University’s Hennessey Mansion, as each of the honorees stepped and spoke about the creative enterprise they founded that is beneficially transforming our world.

The Prometheus Awards are designed to recognize those unsung, exceptional individuals who have had the compassionate vision to witness a human need and have responded with an inventive  enterprise as a solution. “We slaunched the Prometheus Awards with the goal of establishing some new role models,” said Bart Jackson, “What I had never anticipated was the power that emerged from gathering all the honorees from around the globe, with guests and sponsors – the evening was truly a celebration of hope.”

Prometheus Social Enterprise Awards on Sept. 19th 2019

Prometheus Social Enterprise Awards
Recognizing those founders of inventive enterprises that are transforming the world.

Thursday, September 19 @ 4 p.m., we invite you to the Hennessy Mansion, Fairleigh Dickinson University’s Madison Campus

4 p.m. – Torchbearer Talks.
Each Award Honoree will offer a talk detailing their vision and enterprise. A reception will follow. Public and press are invited. Cost is free. Talks will be videoed and made available.

6 p.m. The Awards Reception, Dinner, and Ceremony
This is your chance to dine with, personally connect, and interview these highest achieving benefactors from across the globe and the corporate leaders whose firms support them. Registration is required for Reception, Dinner and Awards Ceremony. Cost is $75 per person.

For more information visit: https://bartsbooks.com/prometheus-awards/

Honorees are Jacque Howard, Alfred R. Berkeley, Ramona Braganza, Mel Duncan, William Golden, Sheldon Himelfarb, Lisa Orloff and Rob Woods.

The Prometheus Awards are created by Prometheus Publishing’s CEO Bart Jackson, and his hard-working team in hopes of holding to light new role models for the entrepreneur and celebrate the contributing energies of the human spirit. We welcome aid from all those aligned with this mission.


Storms – When the Lights Go Out: A Morality Tale from the Dark Side

Lightning is as whimsical as Fate, and can be as destructive as Congress. Last Wednesday eve, amidst the hurl of the storm, the wincing crack of thunder and explosive glare of lightning came simultaneously, targeting the transformer on the pole not too many feet from my front door. All those blinking reminders of electricity’s luxurious necessities fled into the night. And the landline phones with them.

Bart publishes in US1 his tale of loss of electricity –  https://princetoninfo.com/when-the-lights-go-out-a-morality-tale-from-the-dark-side/

Amid all our brief electrus-interruptus, we received a cell phone call from our utility provider.

“Oh dear,” the customer service agent inquired, “are you still with out power?”

“No Ma’am,” I replied. “We are never without power. We just don’t have any electricity.”

Prometheus Social Enterprise Awards


Come Join Us at the      Prometheus Social Enterprise Awards

Recognizing those founders of inventive enterprises that are transforming the world.

Thursday, September 19 @ 4 p.m., we invite you to the Hennessy Mansion, Fairleigh Dickinson University’s Madison Campus

4 p.m. – Torchbearer Talks.

Each Award Honoree will offer a talk detailing their vision and enterprise. A reception will follow. Public and press are invited. Cost is free.  Talks will be videoed and made available.

6 p.m. The Awards Reception, Dinner, and Ceremony

This is your chance to dine with, personally connect, and interview these highest achieving benefactors from across the globe and the corporate leaders whose firms support them. Registration is required for Reception, Dinner and Awards Ceremony. Cost is $75 per person.  To register contact info@BartsBooks.com.


The Prometheus Awards are created by Prometheus Publishing’s CEO Bart Jackson, and his hard-working team in hopes of holding to light new role models for the entrepreneur and celebrate the contributing energies of the human spirit. We welcome aid from all those aligned with this mission. 

To add your support or learn more about Sponsorship Opportunities call: 609-529-1927.