Independence Day – Celebrate the Results!

If you want to know what government by consent of the governed produces, Lorraine & I traipsed down onto Main Street to join the happy hordes awaiting the Independence Day Parade this fourth of July. Or perhaps you saw it in your own town. The excitement bristled as palpably as the flags. America’s emblem slathering every surface, protruding oddly from this young boy’s back, and rising out of that young lady’s exquisitely coiffed hair bespoke a joyful pride mere politics could never entice.

Right after the classic cars rolled by – from a 1910 Rolls to one bearded gent’s solar-powered four wheels and a board – came the flotilla of givers. Veterans of foreign wars marched by, carrying placards with the names of comrades who proffered that last full measure of devotion. The Scouts – boy, girl, cub, Brownies – each paraded by, many bearing merit badges earned from hours of public service – all guided by the adults who had given of their time to lead them. The volunteer rescue squad followed the volunteer fire department, as we winced slightly to the sirens of their accompanying vehicles. Between each flatbed-truck band, walked or rode a stream of local officials: unpaid, seldom-lauded individuals each working for a better town – from shade tree commissioners to school board sitters.

But what most sparked my personal patriotism was one woman on a bicycle. When the crew of the Care Center came into view, the professional and volunteer staffers flanked the marchers, with their physically and mentally challenged charges in the center. Every one of them absolutely beamed with pride and smiles. And all of them encouraged one radiant, crippled woman who had managed to mount and power along a specialized bicycle. The results of this compassion are unmistakable. I nearly wept with the pride these people shared. It was so typically American.

This is the kind of nation we are privileged to proudly claim as our own. America is a nation in which the pursuit of happiness has become woven fully with compassionate care and devotion to the common good. Our flaws and bitter barbs may splash the media headlines, but quietly behind the scenes labor millions of individuals daily sacrificing their time and sweat to make ours the nation more people want to join than any other. This is what the founding fathers struggled to produce, and I’ll just bet that this parade would make them all feel it was all worthwhile.

Wishing you every success,
– Bart Jackson

Earth Day Gets Real And Finds a New Champion

Every true artist strives for perfection and leaves masterpieces in his wake. So it is with President Joe Biden who has pledged his – and our nation’s – all out efforts to slash the United States’ greenhouse gas emissions to 50 percent below the 2005 level by the year 2030.

Mr. Biden launches a lofty, idealistic goal in the face of a very real threat. It is exactly what is needed. Most likely it is the only strategy that holds any chance of success. Every business leader knows that major innovations cannot be achieved incrementally – backsliding from baby steps is too easy and comfortable. Our reach must disruptively exceed our grasp. Best scientific estimates state that if climate change is not addressed, it will avalanche more than $23 trillion in damages within the next thirty years. It is not a price tag which can shunted off onto poor nations alone.

Most media have responded to the Biden challenge, alas, by betting on the horse race and laying out the odds. Can he cross the finish line by the due date? How muddy is the political track? Is this the right jockey? And most frequently, what will be the personal inconvenience incurred by citizens during the race? In short, journalism pours its considerable talents into cynically reminding us that if Joe Biden cannot win this race, there doesn’t seem to be any point in trying at all. (Interestingly, no one is asking whether the President’s climate change challenge is just a mere political stunt. Everyone knows better. Like all revolutionaries, Mr. Biden, and his entire administration are in deadly earnest.)

Now I am not naive. Achieving this 50 percent cut, or even coming close to it, will wrench us drastically from our current economy and life styles. It is probable that coal fired power plants will cease, and be replaced by wind, solar, nuclear, and gas sources – modes of power each with very real scalability and danger problems. Nearly half America’s beloved automobiles on her beloved (hopefully repaired) roadways will have to convert to electric power within eight years, including all the new infrastructure such a change entails. Massive programs for new and retrofitted energy efficient buildings will doubtless be demanded. Job re-training, carbon pricing vs. rewards…the innovation list goes on.

The risk is great, the outcome far from guaranteed. But General George Washington did not muster his troops with, “Let’s take to the field, boys, and see what we can do.” He called for an unthinkable victory over the British, which came within eight years. And in 1962, President John Kennedy did not call for continuing the space program, but rather he challenged us with, “We choose to go to the moon.” Seven years later Neil Armstrong set his foot on the lunar surface. Will President Joseph Biden fill his pledge by the end of the decade? We do not know. But I do know that if a leader’s vision does not frighten the people at least a little, she or he is most assuredly aiming too low. And in his striving for this nearly impossible greenhouse gas emission cutback, win or loose, Joe Biden may just leave behind his masterpiece: a more survivable planet.

Wishing you every success,
– Bart Jackson

Prometheus Social Enterprise Awards 2021 A Call for Nominations

The Prometheus Social Enterprise Awards recognizes those exceptional individuals who by their personal example and their inventive enterprises enrich the human community and shed light into our world.

Do you know an unsung, modern-day Promethean who is putting his or her creative sweat and energy behind a beneficial undertaking and deserves to be held up to light?

Send their nomination to or complete the contact form on Prometheus Social Enterprise Awards – BartsBooks

The Awards are sponsored by Prometheus Publishing in coordination with the Rothman Institute of Innovation and Entrepreneurship.