Ram V. Iyer

Photo of Ram V. Iyer

Ram V. Iyer is a rugged entrepreneur who has taken America’s 200,000 mid-size businesses under his expansive, well-connected wings.   Ram is quick to note that these firms reaping $10 million to $500 million annually provide our nation with 31 percent of its GDP.  “This is where the action is,” he beams with a smile.  “Most of these started off with one strong leader who has gathered a loyal team of professionals around him or her, and are anxious to grow and play in the same league as the Fortune 1000.”

At the same time, most of these companies are too large for government entrepreneurial aid, and too small to win government contracts.  They are not connected, and are woefully under represented – a situation Mr. Iyer is striving to remedy.  His Middlemarket Institute proffers an immense knowledge center with advice and strategies on everything from staffing and funding to partnering both at home and abroad.  And all of it is aimed at the Forgotten Middle Market. (Don’t miss the cartoons.)

Additionally, in hopes of prying midmarket leaders out of their offices and plants, Ram has formed the Business Thinking Club (formerly the iCEO Clubs) which connects midsize members with each other and with the Fortune 1000 leaders.  ‘Tis a little sociability, a load of advice, and a smorgasbord of potential partners.

In previous business venturings, Ram has headed Lucent Technologies international marketing strategies; helped Boeing develop robots to assemble it’s 777s and 757s; set underwater robots to work for oil companies in the Arabian sea, and founded Argea Consulting, with clients ranging from SONY and Pfizer to eager startups.  He is a proud alumnus of M.I.T’s Sloan School of Management.

To learn more about Ram, visit www.midmarket.org  and visit to hear his show “The Membership Economy: Life Trend or Sales Ploy.”

Ram V. Iyer

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