Phil La Duke


Phil La Duke is not the safety man on your back – he is the safety man who has got your back.  At least that’s how worker-concerned business owners, production crews, and even Hollywood stunt teams across North America refer to him.  CEO of Rockford Green International, Phil lays out the practical practices and required attitude adjustments that that transform worker safety from grudging compliance into a vital productivity tool.  As one major corporate client noted, after their worker insurance rates dropped to one twelfth if its previous rates, “Without Phil and his safety systems, we would no longer be in business.”

From the podium which he frequents, and his two-fisted, plain-speaking blog Phil La Duke passionately advocates for commonsense, preventative safety.  To catch the full and refreshing force of his arguments as he unvarnishes the truth about inept safety inspections, criminally negligent managers and the foot-shooting safety attitudes, you will enjoy and be terrified by his book, I Know My Shoes are Untied – Mind Your Own Business, An Iconoclasts View of Workers’ Safety

To learn more about Phil, visit

Phil La Duke

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