Laura Doherty

Laura Doherty’s idea of wedded bliss is to grab hubby’s hand and jet off to a ranch in Kenya, Africa to found a school for at risk boys in Baltimore. Today, as President/CEO of the Baltimore Curriculum Project, Laura serves as an academic turnaround specialist – taking failing schools that are failing their students and transforming them into enthusiastic temples of learning. To achieve this miracle, she reaches beyond classrooms, involving faculty, staff, parents, and the entire community. A true entrepreneur, Laura eclectically gathers a host of innovative, proven educational tools and custom tailors each to these youngsters in this environment today. The result is classrooms filled with eager achievers. Students, from their own experience, discover a success is more addictive than any street drug. In short, Laura and the Baltimore Curriculum Project team are engineering the education each child needs and deserves.
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Laura Doherty

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