John Sarno

Photo of John Sarno

John Sarno knows more about the Affordable Care Act – and more about your healthcare needs – than you or your entire HR department put together.  John is the President and the powerful motivating force behind the Employers  Association of New Jersey.  He instructs business school students at the New Jersey Institute of Technology in management, healthcare legislation, and the subtle how-to’s of running a major corporation most effectively.  His book The Perils of Prosperity is a volume that every intellectually curious individual should mine for useable ideas and an original perspective.

In short, John is one of those scholarly thinkers who turns his mind toward the solving of current social and business challenges.  He is one of the rare few authorities on American healthcare who has actually real all 1018 pages of the Affordable Care Act.  Business, to thrive, needs more of these practical, yet incisive minds who seek to proffer oversight and guidance, rather than merely quick tricks to bolster this quarter’s balance sheet.   To learn more about John Sarno, how the latest healthcare decisions effect you, and for a broader view of business in our society, visit:

John Sarno

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