Carol Gabel

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Carol Gabel originally earned her “matchmaking guru” handle when she headed up business development for the New Jersey, then Delaware chambers of commerce.  As her abilities and in-brain Rolodex grew, the title stuck.  Carol is a born business developer who instinctively and passionately knows how to discover and unite the just-right partners within the business community.  Currently serving as COO for the GI Go Fund and, Carol is linking legislators, talent-hungry corporate leaders, donors, healthcare agencies and just about anyone with our U.S. Military veterans for their mutual benefit.

In an equally wide net, Carol’s own Seven Pearls risk management firm is very busy, thank you, finding legislative red-tape cutters, top talent, intricate legal and compliance mentors, creative (yet honest) accounters and all those human assets that ignite growth in today’s competitive business arena.

Carol originally earned her “matchmaking guru” handle when she headed up business development for the New Jersey, then Delaware chambers of commerce.  As her abilities and in-brain Rolodex grew, the title stuck.

Carol Gabel

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