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Making Your Adequate Presentations Powerful

Isn’t about time people started listening to you? Time you got the influence you deserve and the reactions you require? Presentation coach to President Carter’s cabinet and major C-suiters, Ms. Stephanie Scotti lays out an incisive, masterful strategy that will…

Photo of Bart Jackson

Impossible People – How to Fix ‘em or Nix ‘em

They are in your face all the time: those poisonous personalities who torpedo the team, undermine your achievement, and take the fun & profit out of your workday. How do you handle or just plain squash these toxic folks? Host…

Middle Managers Guide to Gaining the C-Suite

So here you sit, having carved your way up to a hopefully secure middle management slot, chaffing. You’re eager to move on up to a major decision-maker position and really employ your expertise to best advantage. You know where you…

The World’s Best Memory – Lessons To Remember

If you can memorize the order of 59 packs of playing cards in a single sitting, you might, says Guinness World Records, give Dave Farrow a run for his money. Host Bart Jackson brings on this astounding memory phenomenon who…

Photo of Bart Jackson

Bart’s Better Business Resolutions for 2019

What would you really like to have happen in your business…life… career in 2019? And more importantly, what changes do you need to make – what seeds do you need to plant now to bear fruit in the upcoming year?…

Pirates, Treasure Hunters, and Archeologists

Archeologist Chris Macort unearths & traces the riches of wild successful pirate prince Captain Sam Bellamy. Who’s got the treasure now? Who really gets rich from pirates’ loot? Come aboard and trace the revenue stream originally and ill-gottenly gained by…

Reaching Your Peak – Staying on the Summit

Remember those too-brief times when you operated at your absolute peak performance?  The right decisions, words, solutions just seem to come.  Remember feeling exhilarated and surprising yourself with your own level of production? And then it seemed to fade. Well, hitting these…

Workplace Harrassment: No Myths – Just Facts

Where does your free speech end and workplace harassment step in?  Can my company make humor – and romance – a punishable crime? To answer these dicey legalities and to sweep away the miasma of harassment law misunderstanding, host Bart Jackson…